Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I knew I couldn't help myself but to buy something I would love! Yesterday, I saw a beautiful ivory coat & gray suit by Zara, and guess what?
I purchased it! But I got it in a size 8, which is the size I want to be. I'm on a diet and by looking at this suit will help me stay motivated!

H didn't say anything about my shopping. He said that it looks great and he's happy I love it! He was so nice, sweet and thoughtful yesterday. And honestly, I just feel bad that I talked to him what bothers me about his family. I have a feeling that he's trying so hard to be nice to me now so I don't say a word again. I mean, I love him with all my heart but I just can't hold things inside of me. I think he needs to know what I love, enjoy and what I don't!

Sometimes I just feel bad for him that I just want to grab his hand and go far away from everyone. And honestly, as soon as I finish school, and start my career as a teacher, I will consider moving to Canada. But that will be in about 5-7 years from now..

First of all, I need to put my sh*t together and make my life the way it used to be (organized) and focus on important things in my life (H, our baby, our health, school, work, finances).

Next week, we'll be sending our payments for Couple of our credit cards. We'll be paying one big credit card, and either two or all three small ones! :) I'm excited about it!

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