Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I spoke with H last night and told him exactly how I feel about having his family staying with us for few weeks or months. It bothered me a lot and I finally got myself together and decided to talk to him.

I mentioned everything. I just feel so empty and unhappy. They all want their privacy and can't accept each other when they really 'should' because they want to enjoy their peace and freedom, and they just pack their stuff and move in with us without even talking to us or asking. It bothers me. After all this is my house. I just hate that. And they've done it for couple years now.

After the conversation I felt great by telling him the truth and explaining why I think this is wrong, and why noone should stay with us whenever they feel like it. I just need to have my privacy too...He listened to me and I realized when I was done talking that he didn't feel good at all. He was sad and upset, and in my opinion he didn't like the truth I guess... He was so quit and sad for the rest of the night.

I am not sure what will happen or what I will do, but I know one thing for sure. 'I did mention it to him, talked to him honestly and it's up to him now to fix it. If he doesn't fix it, then I wouldn't be able to live with someone who can't stand up for him self and his family (wife and kid)... We'll see how things will go today!

Yesterday's good thing: Helped my brother resolve a little 'relationship' problem :)

Today's good thing:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Are these family members staying with you guys just because they can? Or do they actually NEED a place to stay?