Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's me again...

Since I moved in with my H, there was always someone staying with us (his family) either for few weeks or few months.

This evening I realized that this is what makes me unhappy. We do have one of his family's member living with us for a month already. I'm not saying anything, but I do not enjoy our peace at all.

Should I talk to him honestly?
Should I tell him how I feel?
What if I hurt his feelings?

I am just afraid that one day I will pack my stuff and go, leave him. I do love him with all of my heart but I just love my peace and happiness too.

Today's good thing: I invited my family's friend to stay over at our place instead of hotel! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are the reasons why his family members staying with you guys a critical reason. Like absolutely no where else to go type thing?

Should I talk to him honestly? Yes
Should I tell him how I feel? Yes

I always vote for honesty though.

Would you want him to be honest with you about those things? Would they hurt your feelings? Try reversing roles and see how you would feel.

Good luck :)