Sunday, November 16, 2008

Is it just me?

Do you ever feel empty and unhappy with your very important (life) decisions?

I do, sometimes.

I've always been a very easy going person.
I've always wanted so little, but enough to make me happy.
I never had big dreams. I had dreams that were able to become realty. I've always wanted a simple and peaceful life, Degree in my pocket (which I got but not the one I want), a good job, happy marriage, kids, etc.

I don't feel that for couple years anymore. I just don't! I don't dream any more. I don't have the desire to want things in my life. I just don't make myself happy.

Sometimes, like today, I just want to scream, but really scream, and say 'I want my life back'! I just don't feel alive.

Don't judge me please. I am not sure if it's this Fall and Holiday season or just me. But I do feel like that for a while- couple years now. I feel that something has to be changed, really soon. I cannot live with this unhappy and empty feeling inside of me any longer. It's bothering and killing me...

I need to start making a list what makes me happy and what doesn't.
It's time to start cleaning my life. Get rid off things and people that make me feel this way!

Lately, there is only one reason that makes me smile and that is my baby ... She brings that pure happiness to my life and makes me feel alive!

Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday!

Today's good thing: Going to gym! (Finally doing something good for myself)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i have feelings like this sometimes as well.

Definitely sounds like it's time to reevaluate your life and figure out what is making you down - and change it!

I hope your time at the gym was good. Focusing on yourself sometimes is important :) Happy Sunday!