Monday, November 24, 2008


I used to hate Mondays.
Weekends come and then you enjoy yourself really good, rest, visit family or friends, go catch a movie, have a nice dinner with your loved one, and you just feel like in Heaven.
Then, next morning your alarm clock goes off. You wonder why, and hate the fact that is Monday already.
You enjoy the warmth of your bed, try to cover your head with your comforter and then realize if you don't get up now, you'll be running late for work, school, etc.
Then a hot shower wakes you up, a cup of coffee puts a smile on your face, if there is warm and fresh donut to share the coffee with, you feel like in Heaven again.

But the worst part of that Monday morning is 'work'...You face people you see 5 times a week, more than any family member, and you get back to the same old daily routine.
I just HATED Mondays...

Ever since I'm on my Maternity leave, I enjoy every day, and honestly every day passes by so fast that I sometimes forget what day it is. Baby keeps me really busy. They are adorable but a lot of work.

Today is Monday and I woke up so happy. I fed my baby, changed her diaper, made her burp, and she fell asleep in my arms. I love that part of the day. I enjoy it so much to have her close to me, falling asleep on my chest...And every time I give her a soft kiss on her cheek or forehead while she's sleeping, she smiles. That makes me feel happy because I know she's peaceful and happy. And what else could make a parent happier than to see the kid(s) happy, satisfied and peaceful. :)

Today is not just a regular Monday.
I don't have to get up and go to work.
I had to get up and feed my baby, change her diapers, make sure she burped and then she was falling asleep again :) Peacefully!

Today is a special day.
And I am so happy that I have to do our laundry, pack our bags and make sure everything is in the bag that we (me and my baby) need for our trip.

Tomorrow early in the morning, we're heading to the Airport to visit my family for Thanksgiving :) I'm excited and happy and my family is so thrilled to see her that they just cannot keep their hands off of their phones. They called so many times today that I just want to turn my phone off! :)

In every Monday, and in every other day, there is always something so beautiful that you can enjoy and forget about getting up early while you enjoyed the warmth of your bed. There must be always something that will put a happy and peaceful smile on you face.

It did on mine. I hope it will on yours too.

Wishing you all a Wonderful Monday! :)

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