Sunday, November 23, 2008


cannot be seen or touch...
Love has to be felt in your heart.
I felt my love. The love of my life-My Husband.
I am very happy and happier today that everything that was staying in our way is gone! Not gone like disappeared, but it is not staying in our way, and that is enough for me to be happy and enjoy my marriage with him..

Tomorrow I have so many things to do because on Tuesday morning, very early, me and my baby are leaving to see my family for Thanksgiving. H will be visiting us on Thursday because he cannot do without us for eight days. :) That made my day..

Yesterday, I sent H to buy couple of things from the Grocery store, and guess what? He brought some flowers for me too. Red, pink, and yellow roses. The bouquet is so pretty! It was a nice surprise, but he is always so kind, and would do things to make me smile and happy!

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