Friday, November 21, 2008


Life brings people into our lives, and takes them away.
Throughout my life I've met so many nice people that I became friends with, and with some of them I am still in touch, and with some of them I've lost the touch.

Today when I had coffee in the morning I was trying to count my REAL friends. By real I mean people who where always there for me, thru good and bad and happy and sad times of my life. And guess how many I counted?

Except my brother, my sister and my husband, I have THREE!

1. My best friend from Elementary school, in my Country. She's in Europe right now, just got married, but that doesn't mean we have to throw away our friendship. :) Ever since Elementary school, we've been such great friends, and still are.

2. My best friend from My Country as well. He's always been there for me, and me for him. We are still in touch, and talk almost every day. A great person, with a wonderful heart. I just love him, like he's my brother!

3. My best friend from College in States. He's been my best buddy for years now. We get along, and share the deepest secrets.

How many true friends do you have?
How many of them are always there, no matter what happens, and what you do, they still stay your friends?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Friends have always come and gone from my life as well. Besides H, who is not only my BF, but my best friend. I have 3 as well. 1 girl lives in the same town as i do, and we've been best friends for 18 years!! The other 2 girls live miles/hours away, and i've been close with them for over 10 years! :) I would rather have a few close real friends, then a bunch of fakes!