Sunday, September 14, 2008


Another day in Paradise...

Sunday's are usually meant for relaxing and enjoying the day. But not ours ...At least not this one. We have so much to do in the house, before I head over to the Labor room, which should be any moment/day now.

Today, my DH and I decided to clean up the house a little bit (vaccum, dust, and organize) before the big day, which is so exciting to both of us.

Also today, we were supposed to be grocery shopping but we did that yesterday. We spent about $76, which is really surprisingly low for us. But at least we are doing better now when it comes to grocery shopping. Before we would have gone to a store buy groceries and then go out to eat as soon as we got the opportunity, which was on a daily basis. Shame on us! Not that I mind going out and enjoy the dinner or lunch or brunch/breakfast, but it's insane to spend a lot of money on dinning out! That was last year.

This year we improved and started to think about saving money and paying our debts down. Now we plan what to eat next day, and we know what we need and what we to have for lunch or dinner. It is so easy and much more enjoyable than going out. We are spending less money and saving more. Not that we have some saving accounts built up but at least we are sending the money (that we save on food and other unnecessary things) toward our Credit cards & other loans.

Sometimes we are make our little decisions and make sure we are on the right road.

My DH and I are getting back on track financially and making sure we don't spend more than needed! Hopefully we'll stay on this track for a while, which would mean 'debtfree' by Summer 2009, I mean $0 owned to CC and loans. DEBTFREEEEEE!

Since I am very busy today, I wish you all a Wonderful Sunday & hope you'll get enough rest for a weak ahead!

Tonight we'll be renting a movie & enjoying our evening! :)


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