Saturday, September 13, 2008


is the month I just love. Acutally I love the Fall. I enjoy all these beautiful colors you can see outside in the park and street. I just wanted to start blogging and leave a little story about things I love, enjoy, experience, go through, hate, and places where my heart took me to.

This is not just a personal finance blog, but also about other things in our life that every woman thinks are important and fun!


I'm a 28 year old female, living in Atlanta and loving this City. This is the City where I met the love of my life, my husband, where I found myself and where I started my new dreams and goals to write down. Having a husband that supports you in everything you love makes you feel that you achieved more than just a goal you dreamed of. He keeps me alive and makes me happy and follows my dreams with me... Being happy doesn't mean I'm debtfree! I am not.. I also have all these ugly credit cards, student loans... Just like many other people in todays world...

Join me in my life journey while I share my personal finance stories, my love for fashion, school, kids, marriage, food, and all the other things and places I just enjoy...



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