Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Here is where H and I are standing with our finances this month! Since we are trying to save and pay off our debts, I only came up with a budget plan that is so far working out good for us. He brings me receipts when he spends money, I write them down, and list them on my blog, and that way I know what we spent, how much, where, why, etc.

I am very proud of us so far. We are trying very hard. He wants to pay off all our debts until Summer (August) 2009 and would love to start a retirement plan for both of us, as well as a college fund for our kid. I think that is a great idea to help our child out so she doesn't have to worry about her college funds later on. I know some of you might say that is too early to worry about it, but I thought the sooner you start saving college funds for your child or children the better it is! I don't want her to be in my shoes and worry how and when to pay off her education. I don't want her to start her independent life the hard way. It's not fair! I'll try to do my best to make her life easier!

Here is my list that I calculated just a moment ago:

Entertainment- $66.98 ($33.02 left)
Toiletries- $72.45 ($27.55 left)
Business expenses- $1103.49 ($651.51)
Groceries- $272.54 ($327.46)
Family- $350 ($300.00)
Cell phone- $123.25
Utilities- $357.05
Cable- $59.08
Rent/HOA- $2174
Payments- $1,575
Baby- $34.93 ($65.07)
Car insurance- $193.08

Total: $6381.85 ($2,218.15 left)

Hopefully we'll be successful with out budget plan! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you guys!! And good for you for planning the future! :) It's never too early!