Friday, November 14, 2008

Christmas is almost here..

I've been thinking about Christmas a lot. I will be gone from my family on that day, but I will send them a Card. We decided not to have Christmas gifts (My mom's idea) except for kids. Everyone agreed because we all are trying to pay off debts and save money. It was actually very thoughtful of her and dad. Card is all they want, and card is all me and H want. H was very happy about their idea. He mentioned it to his family and I don't think they all were happy about it. Not happy for missing a gift from their son & brother this year. It was kind of rude but who am I to say anything about it? It's his family. I personally will do what H and I decide to do.

to be able to make them happy, his older sister is having a Christmas dinner (big one) for us and her H's family. But since H and I want to spend our babies first Christmas alone with her and at our place, we will not be attending her dinner party. H explained our wish to her and she didn't complain or didn't get mad at all. She understood and said that she was happy for us. We might even consider renting a cabin in the mountains and go away if we can find something cheap and affordable..

Last night when we talked about Christmas gifts with his family, his sister was the only one to agree about the gift for kids only, but not for adults. She thought it's a great idea for we are all paying off debts and trying to save every Penney.

H & I decided to spend at most $30 per kid, and that is $90 for his niece, my nephew and our baby. It will be tough to find a nice gift for kids, but I'll try my best. I'm not sure what to get them yet, but I will get something cute that they will love.

For his mom I will create a Photo book. I have picked 10 pictures (my favorites) of her and her kids, me and her grandkids, and I will make it look really cute and nice with all these Christmas colors. That will cost me nothing, because I already have all the materials in H's office. So his mom's gift will cost me a big $0. Not bad, and it will be a very thoughtful and nice gift I think!

For his older sister, who's having the dinner at her house I will be baking cake and bunch of other Christmas cookies. And for her I will frame a picture of my and her daughters together! She will be happy and it will cost me a $0. I've received a nice picture frame for my Birthday that I really don't need, so I decided to regift it, and it would be to her. It's a really nice frame but it just doesn't match the colors I have in my house. It will actually match her colors in her house perfectly!

My cookies will be in a different shapes, and with different tastes...I cannot wait. I'm so excited about it.

H's business clients will only get a card this year!

What are you guys doing for your families?
Any special gift ideas?

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