Thursday, November 20, 2008

Am I lonely?

I'm not sure if I feel lonely or just upset. I'm not sure if I even love or hate this day...

I just love to write...Especially Fall is my big inspiration. I sit in my chair and I just grab my laptop and start writing in my Word File! I enjoy it. Sometimes small things inspire me. Coffee for example.

I do have passion to write. Sometimes I would love to write and share so much on this blog sites, but I just can't. I'm afraid if I start, I might never stop! And that I would consider calling an addiction!

I don't want to go outside. It's cold. It's windy. It's beautiful when I look at outside through my window and see all these beautiful 'hot' colors in parks, and on streets! It's amazing. Such a miracle, especially this beautiful Red tree across the street from our place.. I just love it! This is the season where I just need a fireplace, cup of coffee or glass of wine, and a good book!

Wishing you all a wonderful evening!

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