Monday, October 27, 2008

Finance update...

Tonight, and yesterday night, DH and I have been talking about savings and finances a lot. I mean really a lot. We are so into saving and paying off everything so we can finally breath free! Doesn't everyone want that feeling? I DO!

We decided on taking baby steps and start paying small amounts first! He is going to get a night job, part time job, and try to send the PT Job money toward our debt. I would love to get a job too, but I just had a baby, a month ago, and he wants me to stay with our baby for she really needs her mommy! Just the thought of going to work and leaving her alone is braking my heart. I cannot go and look for a job, not for another couple of months. I was actually thinking to make a post on craigslist about baby sitting someone's kid during the day. That would bring few hundred bucks in our pocket and we would help us out a lot.

For me to work we have to find a baby sitter and pay her for staying with our little angel. But that is not all. If I work and pay her at least 150 a week, and I make with my PT job about $200 so what is the point to work???

Another thing is that my DH's mom is not working at all. She is staying with us, and just sitting around or goes out for a walk or just enjoying the day. I understand she is bored and wants to get out of the house. She is not one of these people who would run to find a job and enjoy their life. She doesn't like to work and DH has been taking care of her for years now. If I leave my baby with her, I would have to pay her too, so I wouldn't save any money. For free, she wouldn't do it. If my mom was here she would jump on taking care of my baby without even being asked. But not everyone is alike! Anyway... So far...

Here is where we are standing:

- DH is starting a evening and weekend PT job.
- DH is getting rid off of our car, and getting something cheap, that will be purchased cash!
- We will start paying off our debts!

Wish us luck ;)

1 comment:

amanda said...

Baby steps are always
the way to go!
Sounds like a great plannn.

Good luck, love!