Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cutting off things for savings...

This will be a big and hopefully a great month for us.

We have a budget.
We can't spend extra money.
We will spend less on food, and I think that $600 for two adults and a baby is more than enough.
We will start paying our debts down.
We will have extra income (DH PT job).
We will have a cheap and good month.

I will also get to go to see my family. Hubby just got me and our baby a flight ticket... Nice huh?:)


We will do the following to be able to save and be on track:

- Cut off the Cable ($59.00 a month) and get Netflix for $10 a month. Total savings $49.00
- Cut off my eye brow treatments ($40 a month) and start doing it myself like before. Total savings $40.00
- Find a cheaper apartment ($1424/ two bedroom a month) and get something up to $1000 a month. Total savings $424.00
- Cut down the Internet & Phone bill ($160.00 a month - total). Cancel the service with the current company, and get the service with a new company with a better deal of $75.00 a month for both Internet & phone. Total savings of $85.00 a month.
- Sell our car ($474 a month payment) and get something up to 4-5K cash. Total savings a month $474.
- Make the policy changes with our Car Insurance company and reduce the amount. By replacing our current car with something cheaper, the monthly insurance premium of $170.00 will go down to $100.00 max. Total savings of $70.00
- Cellphone plans will be reduced from $120.00 a month (Family plan) to $90.00 a month (family plan) max. Total savings of $30.00
- Groceries for two adults and a baby will go down from $1000 a month to $600.00.I started making a weekley menu so I know what I need to cook and buy for the whole week. Total savings of $400.00 a month.
- Entertainment amount of $200 per month will be cut down to $20.00 a month (movies or coffee) until we pay off everything. Total savings of $180.00 a month.
- Utility bill of $250 a month (average) will be cut down to $200 (winter is coming and we have a baby). Total savings per month $50.00

Total monthly savings: $1802.00

This is someone's Monthly income. That is a lot of money, and I will make sure it's saved. In two months I can pay off a $4000 credit card with this savings alone. Hubby thought that we are cutting off so many things, but then when we sat down and realized where the money is going, we decided to stick to this plan. Baby steps are small but safe and hopefully successfull!


amanda said...

Total monthly savings:
$1802.00. That's pretty
darn incredible. I'm
impressed! Way to lay
everything out on the
table! You're a saving

Mademoiselle & her Journey said...

Amanda, it's time to give up some things we like to be able to enjoy them later...:)