Monday, September 22, 2008

What is....

... Life without love?
... Happiness without a happy marriage?
... Laughter without kids?

When you have a respectful and wonderful husband, who supports and loves you as you are, what else can you do?

Nothing but thank God!


We started reducing our over 30K debts ....

We paid the following today:

- My small collection of $220
- A computer (lap top) we purchased from Dell 8 months ago. The amount left to pay was $960. It was mailed out today!

Some of you might say 'Not much' but for us it means something. We are happy that something is happening ... We're paying off things we think are a 'must'...

Also no going out for a week! We enjoy eating home, and we don't buy groceries like we used to... We plan our meals and buy only what we have to have!

In this economy today, we all have to be more careful and pay attention even to these small spendings, that add up fast and a lot!


Also, only one week left until my due date! I've been having some contractions over the weekend but they were first for 2 hrs with 10-12 minutes apart. And then Sunday night they were like 9-10 minutes apart... I think the time is knocking on our doors and letting us know to get ready... I hope it'll happen this week...We are so excited and can't wait to meet our little angel!

I pray to God for an easy labor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mademoiselle

It's not small! That's over $1000 closer to freedom!!

Well done with paying off your collection and your laptop.

Good luck with the rest of your journey and also your pregnancy!!

I pray that everything will go well for baby and mom. :)

Take care & God bless!!
