Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Miracle or what?

Last night something special, great, excellent, wonderful, shocking, surprising.... happened.

Awhile back my sister-in-law was living in a different city (Last year) and had a hard time with her job, staying in late and working too many hours. In that time her daughter was only 6, and was in a kindergarten. While she was struggling with her odd hours at work, and running back and forth to pick the kid up from school, and getting stressed because her boss was giving her hard time, she was about to lose her mind. That whole year, last year, was so tough for her, and all I could do is pray for her to have a better life, easier, and of course a better job. I hated to see the kid missing time with her mom and getting more and more quite. I used to go there for couple days a month and helped a little bit. Taking the kid out, playing with her, picking her up from school earlier and that brought her confidence back a little bit. Everything was kind of OK, until march last year where she couldn't handle and take it any longer. Her job was a great paying job and she loved it, but at the same time she couldn't manage it all together. In April last year, I sat down with my H and asked him to move the kid to us so she can at least be a little more happier. We talked to her, and she started crying. She was happy and knew that I would take an excellent care of her daughter who I by the way love like my own kid. She said yes to our offer, and beginning April of 2007 I purchased a one way flight ticket for the kid and she was with us. School was done, and she could stay with me all day. I played with her, took her out, cooked her favorite food, taught her how to bake cookies... We had fun. In August she moved in with us too, my sister- in-law who I love very much, and who was the bridesmaid on my wedding. She didn't have money or place to stay. She has a house here but it was rented. I offered her to stay with us. She did until end of November when she found a job and moved to an apartment.
Right before she moved her beetle (car), that she had for 3 years already, broke down. The engine just blew off and the car was useless. She continued making payment on it, but since she didn't have money back then to fix that car or to buy another one, we purchased a 2K car for her to use. (of course my idea again) ...

She hated her car (beetle) and I loved it very much. It's one of my favorite cars, and I would always chose that car over any other! Last night she told me that she's going to pick up her new car on Thursday. We had coffee and I was so happy for her because she's getting her dream car (BMW) and is so excited. I am happy and excited for her too, so I told her that. I was so thrilled like I'm the one buying the car.

Anyway, last night, since the beetle was on H name, she wrote him a check for 4K to pay it off, and get done with it. H asked her if she wanted him to list the car on a website so she can try to get couple of K for it. She said 'NO, I don't' want that. I'm giving the car to you' and looked at me with a smile. I said 'No i cannot take it' ...She said you will take it and it's yours. Tomorrow will go and take care of the title and transfer it to your name, and if you can fix it, it's yours! I couldn't believe it!


So, since she didn't want any money, and I love that car, I offered to take her to her favorite restaurant out, which will cost me mostly about $100 for both of us, but it's worth it, and I am also thinking to buy her a nice gift (I am not sure what yet but I will think of something)

Last night when we got home, H did some research, called his Mechanic friend and found out that it will cost me about 2.5 to 3K to fix the car, which will have only about 40K miles on it, and it's in a great condition!

Car looks great. We had it checked earlier today with a mechanic, and he said it's in an excellent condition, just the engine itself will cost me about 2K and for him to fix it, since he's H friend, he'll charge me anywhere between 500 to 1K ... NOT BAD, NOT AT ALL!!!

I told H that in January, after Holidays, and after we pay off some Credit Cards, I would love to get the car fixed!!!

I couldn't believe that she gave me a car! I couldn't believe that I will be driving my favorite car, in couple of months, for FREE! I will have no payments, and my insurance agent, who's also a friend of mine, checked the insurance rate for me, which will be about $80 a month! So the car with insurance will cost me only $80. And I was thinking to save about 6-7 K to buy a car and insurance, etc, I taught around my 29Th birthday, in august 2009 I will be able to do it! :)))

His whole family is so nice to me now. His sister was always nice to me, the older, and I love her very much. With her I never had any problems.So everyone seems to be happy and satisfied, and as long as it stays this way, I'm more than happy! :)

My short term goals, what I want before my 29Th birthday will be accomplished most likely before I planned! :)

I'm so thankful for this car.
I'm so thankful for my sister-in-law's great heart!
I'm so thankful for this beautiful, a little cold day!


Anonymous said...

Just to think the other day things were going in a completely different direction, i am glad that it shifted for you!! :) Congrats on the new (FREE!!!) car!

Mademoiselle & her Journey said...

FD- I was thinking about the same thing last night... Everything turned in a different and better direction within 24hrs :) Thank you :)

Canadian Saver said...

Wow. A new car, for free??? AWESOME!!! :-)