Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I do have a list of my short term and long term goals. Some of them are really hard to achieve but some not so much.

I am one of these people that never give up what they want. I do want so many things lately, but mostly I want a FULL TIME JOB! Here is what I have to do by August 2009 (that is my birth month, and I will be 29 next year)

1. Start school
2. Find a full time job
3. Get a car
4. Have at least 5k saved
5. Pay off my Student loan
6. Buy these beautiful earrings for my mom (I saw a pair of beautiful earrings that I would love to buy for my mom. They are sooooooooo her)
7. Volunteer at a neighborhood school for a week or two
8. Visit a dentis and get a filling done
9. Buy a black prada wallet for me and my sister
10. Buy myself a Burberry London Perfume & Cashmere by Donna Karen
11. Start working out regularly
12. Get back to my 135lbs

My long term goals' list is much bigger. This is just something I want so bad and will work hard to accomplish.

Last two years have been a little shaky when it comes to the family of my H. So honestly I don't trust anyone anymore. I want to accomplish all this, mostly to have a healthy baby, a job, saved money, car and paid off student loan...Everything else can be done slowly. I want to make sure that I have a back-up plan (Plan B) for me and my baby...

Today's good thing: Made a wonderful breakfast for my husband and we enjoyed it before he went to work.


Anonymous said...

That's a pretty good list you have going. I'm doing a 10 year plan. The list just keep getting revised?!?

Anonymous said...

Things clearly changed since your last (deleted) post.... right?

Mademoiselle & her Journey said...

moving on up- i'm trying to create a list of things i want to accomplish before my 29th birthday :) Hopefully I'll succeed :)

FD - YES!!! We talked and he realized where the problem was. So today everything is so good, and I feel muuuchhhh better!

Anonymous said...

Aw - well that's awesome!! Hope it all works out for you guys! :)

Mademoiselle & her Journey said...

I hope so too, but I still have to have a back-up plan! Nothing is for sure anymore I guess...

Thanks for all ur support :)