Friday, October 31, 2008

New Golas for November...

November here you come!!

I'm not complaining. In fact I'm very excited about November. I'm even more excited about our budget. I wonder, at the end of November, how'll we do with our budget?!

I'm not sure if I explaind our Financial situation at all. My husband has a business that brings in about 10K every month. In order for me to find a day job, I would have to find a nanny for our baby and hubby would have to hire someone to help him with his business, to replace my position. I actually help him, and that is how we can save more money. It's been going good so far. We don't have problems or complaints.

In November, we spoke about getting couple more new clients, and as of yesterday, I think he got them. We'll find out Monday. But we are sure that one is clear, but the other one, I'm about 85% sure they will go with us (because we offer better rates and service)! If they decide today to go with us, that would mean that hubby wouldn't have to get a PT job which would make me and our baby very happy. We then would spend more time together!

Another thing I'm worried about is 'Groceries' ... I hope we can stick to our budget of $600 including the two of us and our baby! I just hope we'll do well...

I'll be posting our budget list later on! I just hope it'll work out for us and November...

Come on Mr. November, be nice to us plssss!


FB @ said...

I'm sure you'll be fine. Spending lots of time together is a better option than making a ton of money :)

FB @ said...

Oh and thanks for being a top referrer!